Category: 365

  • 80/365



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    I bought flowers for me Abby the other day and got my macro out to play around πŸ™‚  

  • 79/365



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      I had to get a photo of my three little ducklings taking a bath together. It was really hard to get all of them do look at me at the same time. This is the best I could get. I love everything about the first one except Abby’s hand in front of Cooper’s face.…

  • 78/365



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    We said good-bye to a faithful friend today and welcomed a new one to the family. I finally realized it was time to put convenience ahead of my loathing of minivans. There are so many wonderful memories are wrapped up inside this car, like bringing Cooper home from the hospital for the first time, the…

  • 77/365




      Abby turned 8 today! She is such a hoot and I’m so glad to be her mama. She is so serious and methodical, but sometimes she can crack a funny joke and make us all laugh. She loves reading and playing on the iPad, Hip Hop dance and purple is still her favorite. When…

  • 76/365



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    Abby helped bake cupcakes to bring to school tomorrow. I can’t believe she will be 8 tomorrow!! She asked if she could have a pre-birthday cupcake so I figured it would be good practice to get a photo.    

  • 75/365



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    This is all that remains of my morning coffee. Cooper grabbed for my mug and it fell to the floor, spilling everywhere. My mug broke and I’m super sad about that because it was my favorite mug to drink coffee from. And I can’t replace it because it was a UND Fighting Sioux mug and…

  • 74/365



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      Cooper snuggles into our necks and if we say “Awe, so sweet” he gets the biggest grin on his face and does it again. But, when he sees the camera, he won’t do it anymore so this is the best I could get.

  • 73/365 10 months old



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      Cooper doesn’t want to sit still for pictures. I tried everything to get a good 10 month photo and this is all I could get. I even asked Scott to help me position him, but the second Scott stepped out of the photo, the little man was off. He is just too busy to…

  • 72/365



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    I’m pretty sure I should just call this the Blog of Cooper. He seems to be my most willing subject πŸ™‚  

  • 71/365




      Dakota loves her chewies. Β She does have a tendency to share them with Cooper, but I’m pretty sure that isn’t by choice πŸ™‚