Category: 365

  • 28/365



    Happy Thanksgiving! I love spending the holidays with family. We rarely get to celebrate with our families so when we do, it is all the more special.  The meal was delicious and like always, we ate too much.    

  • 27/365



    We left ND to head back to SD to finish out our visit with Scott’ family. Cooper was an amazing traveler today!!!! It started off a little rocky, but he fell asleep and slept most of the trip. I started to wonder if we left he somewhere along the route because it was so quiet.…

  • 26/365

      Total photo overload I know, but today was our last day in ND. We live a wee bit closer now (only 15 hours) but it is still too long a drive for a quick visit. We let the girls stay up later than normal so they could spend extra time with their grandparents before…

  • 25/365

    My parents had to run to Grand Forks today, so Scott and I were in charge of 5 kids! It was a little crazy, but I thought it was going to be worse than it was. We even managed to bathe 4 out of 5 of the kids and they all went to bed without…

  • 24/365 Baptism



    Cooper was baptized today at my church in ND.  I love that even though we move around, our children have all been baptized at the same church. It was a beautiful ceremony and my Dad sang for Cooper just like he did for Mckenzie and Abby. Not all of Cooper’s Godparents could make the trip,…

  • 22/365

      Scott’s Grandparents were eager to see the kids and they couldn’t get enough loves in.

  • 20/365

      Little man was helping me break in my 35mm today. I was trying to get his 8 month old photo, but he wouldn’t hardly sit still. He kept grabbing for my camera or crawling off to investigate something else.   This was the best I could get. I guess it is goes to show…

  • 19/365



      IT’S HERE! IT’s HERE! It is finally here 🙂 Let me tell ya. This girl was waiting at home all day for the UPS man to make his delivery (not that I had anywhere else to go). He had the nerve to wait until after 4 pm! I can’t wait to play around with…

  • 18/365



      Our faithful dog. She sleeps in the girls’ room every night until they fall asleep. Then she creeps down the hallway as though she is in trouble for leaving their room.

  • 17/365

      Little man loves his piano. Well, he loves it until he tries to pull one of the knobs off and he realizes it doesn’t come off. Then he just screams until we offer him a different toy 🙂