Category: 365
152/365 {spaghetti}
Cooper had spaghetti for the first time tonight. He seemed to like it quite a bit.
151/365 {cruising}
We took the kids for a bike ride at a local park. It has a really nice path that isn’t too long and there are a couple of parks along the way for the little ones to play at. This was Cooper’s first ride in the pull behind so he had to get his…
150/365 {wagon ride}
Cooper finally got to open his birthday presents from us. We wanted to wait until he was feeling better so he could enjoy them as best a one year old can. He got a wagon and a couple of cars. The one car was a duplicate (albeit newer) version of a toy Mckenzie had…
149/365 {blue morpho butterflies}
We took the kids to visit the Blue Morpho Butterflies at the Butterfly house in St. Louis today. There were thousands of butterflies floating in the air. Scott and I thought it was pretty cool. Unfortunately, it kind of freaked the girls out. They didn’t like how the butterflies were all around them (you…
148/365 {apples}
I am pretty sure I already have a photo (or ten) of Cooper eating an apple, but I was lacking for inspiration and this was all that was happening around here. He still loves apples, especially if we leave them whole.
147/365 {bread bowls}
Scott and I used to eat at a restaurant in our younger days that served bread bowl salads and they were so yummy! I don’t know what made me think of them, but once I did, I knew I had to try to make my own. We put soup in the ones I made…
146/365 {March letters to our children}
When you finish reading here, head on over to Jennifer Bacher’s blog to see some fabulous photos 🙂 My sweet Cooper. You turned one this month and I am utterly in shock at how that happened. Seriously. This last year with you has flown by. I know that many people say that,…
145/365 {panera baker}
Mckenzie went to an outing at Panera for her Daisy troop. She got to make a cookie and bread. Neither of which she liked 🙁 She has very specific likes/dislikes when it comes to both of those and the plainer the better.
144/365 {let me out}
Little man doesn’t like to spend time in his pak-n-play and begs me to get out whenever I need to put him in.
143/365 {looking out}
Mckenzie was looking out the window so I took the opportunity to snap a photo of her. She is growing up waaaaayyyy too fast!