Category: 365
142/365 {shadows}
Since I haven’t learned to shoot in full sun yet without giving the children awful shadows on their faces, I will just look for shadows 🙂 I love how his little feet dangle from the swing. I know all too soon, he will be pumping that swing himself (well, not this swing, but you…
141/365 {more peas please}
This one LOVES peas! And so far, he hasn’t shoved any up his nose (like Mckenzie did when she was little)!!!
140/365 {under construction}
I am so excited to see the how much progress has been made on the basement already. It will be so nice to have the extra living space and a guest room for family/friends. The company we hired to do the work is awesome and they are going above and beyond what we expected.…
139/365 {pots & utensils}
The boy loves to play with utensils and pots. I think he would be just fine with it if I got rid of all his toys and just let him scrounge through the kitchen for things to play with 🙂
138/365 {curiosity}
This little man is into everything. If a cupboard doesn’t have a childproof lock on it, he digs in it and takes everything out he can. I never had to worry about the dishes in my cupboards being dirty, but I do now. I always check for dog hair or baby drool before using any…
137/365 {target}
Doesn’t every child need a photo in the aisles of Target 🙂 It seems appropriate for this one as we are there a couple times a week! Too bad I was never gutsy enough to take my camera with me when the girls were little. Then we could have had matching Target photos for all…
136/365 {Brewery}
Sheri, Matt, and the kids came down to visit for the weekend. We visited the Budweiser Brewery in St. Louis. It was a pretty cool place to see and the best part was the kids were well behaved! The Clydesdale horses are HUGE! They have a few horses at the factory but most…
135/365 {its a party}
Today we celebrated Cooper’s first birthday with some friends. I was so happy that he was fever free and feeling better. I don’t think he was a 100%, but he was definitely more himself than he has been this last week! He was still unimpressed with the cupcake. A few minutes with the cupcake…
134/365 {rose}
I meant to photograph this earlier, but it is still beautiful all dried up!
133/365 {peek a boo}
Cooper loves to play behind the curtains. He gets this devilish grin on his face and hides away in the curtain, waiting for someone to find him.