Category: 365
132/365 {one}
Cooper turned one today!! When did he get to be so big?! Unfortunately, he still isn’t feeling very good (darn flu)and wasn’t very excited about his cake. We tried to put him in his highchair to eat his cake, but that just led to the poor boy crying like crazy. So, we took…
131/365 {fearless}
Scott put together a table and chairs for the children and Cooper had a blast playing on the box it came in. He was fearless. He climbed right up on that thing and started bouncing and trying to walk right off of it. Maybe it wasn’t so much being fearless as it is not…
130/365 {flu}
The flu has invaded our house. I cannot express how unhappy I am about this. Mckenzie has been miserable for days and I am hoping she goes to school tomorrow. I thought she was going today, but it was a no go. Cooper started running a fever in the middle of the night and he…
129/365 {little}
She looks so tiny asleep in our bed. I love that she still has a tattoo on her face from many days ago.
128/365 {sunning}
It isn’t warm out, but for some reason, the dog was content to lay out on the snow. I even found her rolling around in it. She’s crazy I tell ya!
127/365 {comfy}
Mckenzie is still not feeling well. Looks like she got the flu. 🙁 I do like that she is home and I get time to snuggle with her on the couch, I just hope she is better soon.
126/365 {cuddles}
Cooper fell asleep on me and the girls came to snuggle on the couch as well. I asked Scott to snap a photo and by the time we got everyone else ready, he woke up. I know I look old and tired in this photo, but I feel so loved and blessed 🙂 And for…
125/365 {Letters To Our Children}
When you finish reading here, check out the rest of these talented photographers by following the blog circle. Jennifer Bacher is up next and if it is anything like last month, it will be filled with gorgeous photos! My Dear Sweet Mckenzie, You are a truly unique little girl. I can’t imagine there is anyone…
124/365 {chillin’}
Abby looks so grown up to me in this photo. She settled into our bed to get some uninterrupted iPad time.