I am a SAHM to three amazing children and wife to my soul mate. Photography is my passion and my mission is to capture my children's childhoods as best I can through blogging and photos :)

3.365 {nose stuffers}


Some people may share what Santa stuffed into their stockings. Around here, we share what the boy shoves up his nose. I have no idea what his fascination with sticking things in his nose or his ears is, but I hope it is a stage he outgrows soon :)


2.365 {crafting}








It was a crafting kind of day around here. Paper snowflakes, paper guns (Mckenzie just had to make a gun after hubby showed her the video of me learning to shoot a gun today) and rainbow loom bracelets. The kids thought I was super cool when I made them each a ladder bracelet. (Thank God for YouTube and 8 year olds that have rainbow loom tutorials!)


1.365 {outside}


The kids wanted to play outside today. It was a little too chilly for me, but Scott happily agreed to take them out. I was outside long enough to snap a photo and then I headed back into the warmth of the house. We had a pretty chill day. I took the girls to see Annie, which they loved, and then we headed over to a friend’s house to watch football. A pretty good start to the new year.


First day of school

Today was the first day of school for Abby and Mckenzie. Third grade and first grade. I cannot believe how quickly their school years are flying by. I feel like it was just yesterday that I was crying at the bus stop watching Abby get on the bus for the very first time. :'( Today, Abby was up just after 6 AM asking if it was time to go and for once, I didn’t have to wake Mckenzie. She just showed up in my room, already dressed! Both girls were excited to get to school and start their day. I wish every day of school will be met with such enthusiasm, but I know in a few weeks, I’ll be dragging them (well, Mckenzie) out of bed and rushing them down to the bus stop. I plan to enjoy this though while it lasts :)

Both girls said they had a great day at school and they are looking forward to going back tomorrow :)

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Denise So sweet! Can't believe how much they've grown! Glad they were excited for school. Long may it last!

222/365 {May- Letters to Our Children}

It is time for our monthly Letters to Our Children post. It’s a small circle this month but well worth the read anyway. Follow the circle over to Laurie’s blog to see her amazing photos and sweet words to her children.




Dear Abby, Mckenzie, & Cooper,

The definition of a mother according to the Merriam Webster Dictionary is this : a woman in relation to a child or children to whom she has given birth.  While that is a good definition, I believe there is so much more to being a mother and since May is the month we celebrate moms, I thought I would share with you what it is I believe my role is as your mother.


1. I promise to love you with my whole heart. I honestly don’t think this one needs an explanation, but, I will clarify anyway :) I will love you if when you misbehave and make mistakes and fail at something. Those are the times I will be there for you with tenderness and understanding and forgiveness so we can all learn and grow from the experience. I will love you when you succeed and follow the rules. For those times, I promise to share in your joy and encourage you to continue with your dreams. It doesn’t matter what you do. I will always love you unconditionally. :)

2. I promise to keep you safe. Whatever the danger is, it is my responsibility to keep you unharmed. This means I will remind you time after time that you need to look both ways before crossing the street so you don’t get run over by a car. I will teach you the skills that you need to stay safe and I will protect you from any danger that comes to you. I would give my life if it meant saving you.

3. I promise to make sacrifices for you.  My role as your mother is to make sure all of your needs are met. Both physical and emotional. So that means putting your needs ahead of mine.  I don’t get to sleep until noon every day (or through the night for that matter) or put off grocery shopping because I just don’t feel like it. You need a mom who is willing to be there for you every day of your life.  Yes, I do need time for myself, but I find ways to do that without compromising your needs.

4. I promise to spend time with you. Whether you want to play one more game of UNO or just hang out next to me, I will be there for you. As one of three children, that time may be more difficult to come by, but I promise each and everyone of you will get quality time with me. This does not mean we will go on big adventures all the time because I personally believe that the only thing you need for quality time is both (or all) people to be engaged. So reading a book together or playing games or listening to your dreams and wishes and concerns and problems are things that I promise to do with you.

5. I promise to teach you what you need to become a successful adult.  I will teach you about responsibility and accountability and the Golden Rule (Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, (in case you needed a reminder)). I will teach you about love and compassion and God and how to wash a load of laundry or change a flat tire. (okay, maybe we will ask your Dad for help on that one. I’ve never had to change a tire before so I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t be a very good teacher. But you get the point.)  I also need you to know that while my world revolves around you, the rest of the world doesn’t. There will be hurt feelings and disappointments and failures and I will be there to help you through those times and to provide you with the skills you need in order to deal with them on your own. There are so many things that you need to learn, and it is my responsibility to teach you.

6. I promise to provide you with discipline.   I know this one doesn’t sound as exciting as all the others, but if I fail to teach you about consequences, I am failing you miserably as your parent.  Providing you with discipline will help shape you as a person and set the stage for a strong moral compass. My job it to teach you self discipline so you will be able to manage your time and money and social affairs with ease. When I was a kid, I hated getting in trouble and getting disciplined. But today, I am thankful my parents loved me enough to provide me with a moral compass.

I promise you all these things that you may grow up to be wise, loving, responsible adults. That your life may be better than my own. I have made mistakes in my parenting and I am sure I will make more before this journey is done. But, I will never stop striving to be the best mother I can be so that you can be the best person you can be.

I love you to Pluto and back!



Sarah Kopke Hi! Your photos are beautiful! I found your blog through the link-up at Click It Up a Notch. My husband and I are in the process of creating a new feature at The Albums to help our members begin and finish a Project 365. I was wondering…since you have made it so far in your Project 365 what's one piece of advice you would tell someone about to embark on one? Thanks so much!

181/365 {April-letters to our children}

It’s that time again. Our monthly letters to our children. When I was discussing which child I should choose  with Scott, he suggested writing to all of them about what it means to be a family, particularly a military family. So since it was his idea, I suggested he write it :) When you finish here, head on over to Courtney at Click it Up a Notch to see what she has to say to her kiddos :)


Abigail, Mckenzie, and Cooper.

Each of you stole our hearts from the day you blessed us with your birth. God gave us the perfect family when he crafted our family. And that is such a powerful word, family. There is no stronger bond or love in the world than family. No matter the highs and lows, laughs and tears, and smiles and frowns, we will always be a family. Nothing can ever break that bond of love. Nothing exemplifies this more than the sacrifices you three have made being a military family. You have moved all over this great country, making best friends along the way. But then comes the time for our family to embark on its next journey, leaving behind those friends and memories made there. This has been the hardest part for us during our travels. It’s these times we remind you of that powerful word…family. We will always have each other. During those times we weep for our missed friendships, we lean on each other and become a closer family. You three have to make sacrifices most families don’t have too, but you also get to experience so much they don’t. New houses, different cities to live in, new schools and friends to meet. But the one constant through all the sacrifice and exciting new adventures is family. We love you so much and are so excited to grow and strengthen our Family, no matter where we live!!





Laurie So sweet! I need to get Brent to write a letter to our kids this year. OR three :) Nice job Scott!

166/365 {frozen}




The movie Frozen is a huge hit around here. I mean like the world revolves around it. Every time I get in the car with the girls, they want to listen to the music from the movie, specifically, “Let it Go”, over and over and over. I put up with it, but poor Scott can only handle it once, maybe twice :) We haven’t gotten them the movie yet but they have both seen it many, many times. Anyway, I went to the bookstore today to find a couple of photography books for myself (I am in a rut and need some inspiration to get out) and I picked up a few books for the little ones. When Abby got home from school and saw the book Frozen  sitting on the counter, she got all excited and immediately sat down on the steps and started reading. I love that Abby loves to read. We catch her reading in her bed well after lights out.


165/365 {a new ride}






Both girls have outgrown their old bikes so Scott and Abby searched for a new one, finally finding this awesome purple bike! Abby looks like such a big girl riding this one and she loves it! Mckenzie inherited Abby’s old ride (with the addition of training wheels) and can now ride fast like Abby :) Mckenzie didn’t want to give up her little girl bike, but once she gave this one a ride, she decided it was worth it!







164/365 {dyeing eggs}




















The girls dyed eggs for Easter today. They had fun, like usual. But, unlike years past, there was no major mess to clean up. I guess as they get older, they get less messy. That makes me happy and sad all at once. I guess I should enjoy how clean it was this year as I am sure when Cooper joins the mix next year, there will be dye everywhere! Mckenzie wanted a picture of her with every egg she dyed. Your welcome for getting to see most of them :) I had to beg Abby to let me snap a final photo of her with her eggs. I love how unique my girls are.


163/365 {blossoming}



Our tree in the front yard is blossoming! I guess that means spring is really here!!!!